How do I calculate my Holder’s Yield?

  • Updated

All yields are paid from the Master Fee Pool, which is built up throughout the month, from:

- transaction fees (0.45%) generated from transfers of KAU and KAG

- KAU and KAG minting fees (0.45%)

- Kinesis card transaction fees (0.22%)

- all trade transaction fees at the Kinesis Exchange (0.22%)


Kinesis Holders are allocated 15% of the Master Fee Pool

There are separate fee pools for KAU and KAG.

In order to be fairly distributed to users, the Holder's Yield is calculated on a daily basis and then aggregated into a monthly payment.


How does the Holder's Yield calculation work?

The description below is for KAU only. A separate calculation will be done for KAG, using the same rules.

The end of each day is 23:59 UTC. At this point, a snapshot of each qualifying Kinesis account's KAU** balance will be recorded along with the KAU held by all other eligible* holders of Kinesis.

This will be repeated each day and the number of eligible KAU will be aggregated for all days of the month for each eligible user.

Each user will then get their share of the fee pool based on their aggregated KAU versus everyone's aggregated KAU.



Let's say that you have 100 KAU and your balance remains at that for the whole of a 30-day month.
This means that your holder's eligible amount will be (30 days x 100 KAU=) 3,000 KAU.

If the total holder's eligible amount is 30,000,000 then your percentage claim of the Holder's Yield would be 0.01%.

If the Holder's fee pool was 2,000 KAU, then your Holder's Yield for the month would be 0.2 KAU.

The actual amount of coins in circulation may be higher since some accounts might be blacklisted or not fully KYC-verified, which makes them ineligible. For all Kinesis account holders who are eligible, Kinesis will calculate their holding proportion based on the other qualified holder's quantity.


* To become eligible for the Holder’s Yield, the account holder must be fully ID-verified through the KYC process (tier 3) and cannot be blacklisted. 


** What is a Kinesis account's KAU balance?

A Kinesis account's KAU balance will be the sum of the KAU that they have in their Kinesis KAU account, plus any KAU held in an integrated wallet and in any external wallets that are linked to their Kinesis account.

The exact same rules apply to the Kinesis KAG account.
