Can I earn yields with Kinesis Pro?

  • Updated

Yes, you can earn yields while using the Kinesis Pro exchange. As part of the Kinesis ecosystem, Kinesis Pro exchange seamlessly integrates with the platform, enabling you to earn different yields through your trading activity. 

Whether you trade gold and silver or sell it on the exchange when making Kinesis card purchases, your transactions contribute to the yields.

All eligible trade transaction fees generated on the Kinesis Pro exchange are then added to the Kinesis master fee pool, which forms part of the monthly yield distribution to users.


How do I earn yields on Kinesis Pro?

Velocity Yields

To earn Velocity Yields on the Kinesis Pro exchange, all you need to do is actively trade gold and silver (KAU and KAG). The more you trade, the higher your earning potential.

By being an active trader on Kinesis Pro, you will be able to earn Velocity Yields, increasing your overall earnings within the Kinesis ecosystem.

Holder’s Yields

You can earn Holder’s Yields by first trading on the Kinesis Pro exchange, where you earn Kinesis gold (KAU) and silver (KAG) through the Velocity Yield. 

Once you’ve earned these assets through your trading activity, simply hold your KAU and KAG  in your Kinesis account and over time they will passively generate Holder’s Yields, providing you with ongoing earnings.

Referrer’s Yields

You can find your Unique Referral Link in the Referral Hub on the Kinesis platform. From there, you can easily share your referral link with friends, family or entire businesses, allowing you to earn Referrer’s Yields on all their activity on both the Kinesis Pro and the Kinesis platform - where it’s trading, holding, spending, minting, or even referring.

Earnings continue as long as your referrals remain active, creating a sustainable passive income stream. Additionally, both you and your referee can earn one ounce of silver to share through the Referral Rewards programme.

Partner’s Yield

As a Kinesis Partner, you can enrol entire communities or businesses into Kinesis and earn Partner’s Yields based on the collective activity of your network, enabling you to unlock significant rewards and generate an ongoing stream of income. 

Kinesis partners can include a wide range of participants, including:

  1. Crypto Partners: Cryptocurrency platforms, exchanges, influencers in the crypto space or businesses that can integrate Kinesis Pro for trading or using digital assets, including Kinesis’s native gold and silver-based Real-World Assets, KAU and KAG.
  2. Payment Network Partners: Payment providers, merchants, or payment gateways adopting Kinesis as a payment solution, enabling transactions with KAU or KAG, and integrating Kinesis card or Pro exchange for their operations.
  3. Precious Metals Partners: Content creators or entities in the precious metals industry, such as bullion dealers, goldsmiths, and suppliers, using the Kinesis platform and Pro exchange for transactions with gold and silver.

To learn more about becoming a Kinesis Partner, visit our dedicated website.


How will yields be paid?

Yields on the Kinesis platform are distributed monthly in Kinesis gold (KAU) and Kinesis silver (KAG).

Your yields will be paid directly into your KAU and KAG accounts on the Kinesis platform. Payments are tailored to the type of yield you’re earning, whether it’s from trading activity, holding, referrals, or other eligible activities within the Kinesis ecosystem.
