Linking a Ledger KVT address to a Kinesis account

  • Updated


This walkthrough explains how to link your external KVT wallet address with your Kinesis account, to ensure you receive your KVT Yield.

To ensure you receive your KVT Yield payments on your KVTs held outside of the Kinesis Monetary System, you will need to link your KVT wallet address to your associated Kinesis account. Address Linking is necessary to identify the wallet address in which you hold your assets and the associated Kinesis account that will receive the yields.

Please note that only Kinesis users owning external wallets, such as a CoolWallet, MetaMask, Ledger and Trezor may need to manually link their addresses.  Those users who already store their KVTs in their Kinesis account or have previously linked the external wallets, containing their KVTs, will automatically receive their yields without further action.

Kinesis urges all its system participants to check their status and ensure that all the accounts in which they store their KVTs are listed on their Kinesis Profile in the Yields tab. 

You can link your external wallets using a dedicated Address Linking widget located in the Yields tab of your Kinesis account.

You need to link these addresses only if they are unlinked. If all addresses in which you store your KVTs are already listed, no action will be required.

Please remember that the Kinesis account is where all your KVT Yields will be credited to – even if you store your KVTs externally to your Kinesis account.

Please note: An external wallet (stand-alone wallet) and a fully verified Kinesis account will be required to complete the linking process.

Please note that the process varies slightly depending on the wallet you use.


Linking a Ledger KVT address

How to link a Ledger KVT address to a Kinesis account using MEW (MyEtherWallet)

Step 1. Navigate to the Yields tab and locate the address linking widget:


The Yields tab on the Kinesis platform dashboard ☝️

Choose the EXTERNAL tab, then open the ‘Link a new address’ button.


Address Linking widget in the Yield tab on the Kinesis platform ☝️


Step 2. You will be presented with a pop-up window, where you will need to select KVT from the available currency options and enter the Public address of the Ledger wallet you wish to link. Additionally, you can set a name tag as a reference.


Click NEXT, to open the screen displaying your KM number:

The KM number (starting with KM followed by numbers, eg KM12345678) also known as the Kinesis Payment Reference, is a number Kinesis uses to identify your account, for the purpose of e.g. address linking or depositing funds.


The KM number & signature screen ☝️


Step 3. Physically connect your Ledger and sign into it. 


Step 4. Go to 

MEW (MyEtherWallet) is a free interface helping you interact with the Ethereum blockchain, on which Kinesis Velocity Tokens (KVT) are hosted. 

Alternatively, you can also use MyCrypto wallet ( which is a fork of MyEtherWallet, with the process remaining the same for both interfaces.

When on the MEW website, click on ‘Access my wallet’. 


Step 5. While selecting a method to access your wallet, choose Ledger from the available hardwallet options.


Please note: Depending on how you set up your Ledger Ethereum address originally for use with KVT, you may need to change the derivation path (as shown below) while connecting your Ledger.


Step 6. Select the Ledger address in which you store your KVT, then accept the Terms and click on ‘Access my wallet’.


Step 7. In your MEW, click ‘Message’ and then ‘Sign Message’.


Step 8. Copy the KM number, as displayed in Step 2, paste it into your MEW ‘Sign Message’ window and click Sign:


Step 9. Confirm the message signing on your Ledger

You should see the ‘Message Signed’ screen with your unique message signature (as displayed below). Copy the message signature between the quotes (highlighted in blue)…

Please note: only select the alphanumeric code in between the apostrophes.



… and paste it into the KM screen that you have opened in Step 2., then click “Verify”.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed linking your KVT address with your Kinesis account. You will see a confirmation message showing on the screen:



You can now view your linked address in the External tab of the  “Linked addresses” box.


